WELCOME TO OUR CENTER for ELECTRICAL POWER and ENERGY (CEPE).CEPE is an Asia leading research center, affiliated to the Department of Electrical Engineering at NKUST. It is dedicated to the sustainable development on multi-disciplinary energy frameworks, providing reliable and optimal cutting-edge solutions to electric power and energy systems, especially for renewable power systems, AC and DC microgrids, shipboard, offshore and maritime applications, energy systems among others. With more than few decades of experience, CEPE currently comprises AI-based sustainable world-class laboratories, having more than hundred members, including research assistant, MS,PhD students, postdoctoral researcher and visiting scholars. As a major research center, CEPE has established a close international cooperation with industry firms, universities, and research institutions.
CEPE vision is to develop a problem based research-oriented framework for design, analysis and assessment of electric power and energy systems with unprecedented levels of scalability and expandability, giving as a result highly efficient and resilient grids.